
Taking Care Of You

When you think about the past your heart breaks because you want your ex back so badly. You may be living with guilt or shame about something you did or said that caused some of the problems in your relationship - but STOP IT!!!

You are only human and as humans we make mistakes - we are not perfect. So give yourself credit for the good things you did in the relationship, acknowledge and learn from your mistakes. Things WILL get better.

The first step to getting your ex back or to getting on with your life is to do nothing! I know that sounds ridiculous but you really do need to take time to chill out. Initially you may be so sad and distraught that you need a few days to come to terms with what has happened. Give that to yourself. Let your tears flow if that is what you feel like doing. But you will need to set a limit on that. Tell yourself that you have a maximum of three days to be overwhelmed with sadness.

At the end of that period you need to work on moving forward. And I know you want to call your ex right away but DON'T. Give yourself time to get reacquainted the real you. Indulge yourself. Do something selfish. Make yourself happy by being your own best friend and doing the things you like to do. Consider buying a good book or watching a great movie. Soak in the tub. I am sure you can think of something that you truly enjoy, and probably something that you have not allowed yourself to enjoy in a long time. Take care of you!

After you get yourself in order, both mentally/emotionally and physically then you can begin thinking about getting your ex back.

For a great book that will guide you through the process you should order the Magic Of Making Up. This one resource will be all you need to work through this difficult time.

Just click on the link below:

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