
Steps To Getting Your Ex Back

I constantly get questions about how to get an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend back....but perhaps it is my imagination but I believe the past month or so there have been an enormous amount of break ups. Do you think it has anything to do with the economy or maybe with the fact that the holidays are approaching?

Anyway, I wanted to re-post the basic steps to getting your ex back so that a greater number of people could benefit. I realize that only a small portion of my readers actually email me their questions.

Okay, here it is - the break up happens. It might seem to come from out of no where or maybe you were expecting it. Either way, you are not happy about it and you want your ex back.

The first thing you need to do is deal with your hurt and frustration. Allow your emotions to come out in a healthy way. Some people take time off from work and to some degree they take time off from everything to allow for this phase. It is healthy to cry and vent but it is not healthy to harm yourself or others in any way, shape or form.

Give yourself a time limit for that phase. It should not be anymore than a week. Three days is better if you can manage that. Next you need to devote time for you. This is an opportunity to indulge in whatever it is that you enjoy. Suggestions include watching movies that you love, reading books, painting, bowling, ....etc. You get the idea, do the things that you like to do. Socialization is good but spending time alone can also be helpful. You see, during this time you will also be evaluating your relationship.

Do be honest with yourself. Determine if the relationship was a healthy one and why it is that you want your ex back. You may find that it really is not what you want.
But if it is this will give you the time to assess what problems exist and how they can be resolved. It will also provide you with the time necessary to develop a plan of getting your ex back.

You should begin slowly - taking care to add in any elements that were missing from the relationship before. If you want specifics then I recommend the ebook, "The Magic of Making Up." This ebook will provide the details needed from start to finish to getting your ex back. Your renewed relationship will be stronger than ever! You can get more information about the ebook in the blog side panel or by clicking here:
The Magic Of Making Up

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