
Months ago I began promoting quality resources for relationship information. I got involved in this particular topic because I have always been interested in how people interact and what makes some relationships work and why others do not.

I have studied and researched information related to this topic. With a background in psychiatric nursing this is a natural extension of my interests. I have always been a people watcher.

Okay, enough about me for now........I just wanted to thank all of the readers of my articles that have emailed me. Some of you went to great lengths to find my email address and I appreciate that. Many of you have emailed me specific questions about your situations. I have responded to the best of my ability and I will continue to do so. In fact, I have set up a special email account just for that purpose. For any relationship questions or comments please email me at:

Additionally I wanted to let you know that I am working on a relationship guide. This will include everything needed, from preparing yourself for a relationship, to determining if your partner is right for you, ways to establish and enhance your relationship, what to do when things go wrong, and everything in between. It will be a sort of one-stop-shop for all your relationship needs.

I will include information from the best of my articles as well as new research. I may even include case studies from some of the emails that I have received (of course, real names will be changed).

I will continue to scour the Internet for great resources for anyone seeking ways to establish, improve, or renew their relationship. You see, I have had lots of relationships throughout my life and I have been the go-to person for many of my friends and relatives. I do not claim that my relationship is perfect - in fact, I am married to my second husband (over 25 years now!) and we have had our ups and downs. I believe that provides me the opportunity to better understand and relate to problems that other couples experience.

Life happens to all of us but it is how we handle the situations that count. Bumps in the road can make you and your relationship stronger or they can tear things apart. Learning what to do, being proactive, and thinking before taking action is often key to the longevity of a relationship.

Please feel free to email me and I will give you my response as soon as possible. I will keep you posted on the upcoming ebook I mentioned. The ebook will also be available as a print version.

Wishing you all the best!

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