
Do You Want Your Ex Back?

I get emails regularly asking how to get an ex back. First of all it is important to realize that I can list steps to take and I can suggest other resources that may be helpful, but any information supplied will need to be altered to fit your individual personality and circumstances.

My first suggestion is allowing yourself time to accept the break up. This means different things to different people. Ultimately you will be able to discuss the situation without being so emotional that the discussion ends in tears or in anger.

After you reach this state of rationality you will be able to determine what went wrong and how you can fix things. I also suggest that you spend time working on you. Indulge yourself in ways that you have not done in recent times. Allow time for hobbies and reading. Work on eating healthier and exercising more.

You will find that you will grow as a person and will of course be making yourself better and more interesting to others. This includes your ex!

Speaking of your ex - you should avoid contact for awhile. I cannot give you a magic number of days or weeks to avoid him or her - that again will depend on the situations that you are dealing with. The real point is that you should allow yourself time to develop a plan so that you do not appear overly anxious to see or speak to your ex.

It is beyond the scope of this post to go into all the details of how to get an ex back but you can learn everything you need to know in "The Magic of Making Up" - that ebook has saved countless marriages and relationships.

I wish you the best of luck and please feel free to post comments here or to email me at:

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