
Tips To A Magical Make Up

Relationships have to be nurtured and cared for if they are to grow and continue to be strong and healthy. But we are only human and we are likely to forget or neglect to provide everything that we should in order to maintain the health of our relationships. Then the couple may break up but if they work at it most relationships can be saved with a magical make up!

Arguments get out of hand and relationships end. One partner or the other proves that they are human and makes a mistake that devastates the other, and the relationship ends. I could go on and on with possible reasons for the ending of a relationship but this article is about how to create the perfect make up, how to get that relationship back on a solid foundation.

My perspectives come from a mix of experience as a psychiatric nurse, research and having lived for more years than I care to document in this article. But I will disclose that I have been married twice and I have always been the go to person for my friends, relatives and past co-workers when they had relationship problems, not to mention that I have raised four children that are now grown.

So you can use my advice alone but I would suggest that you also utilize information from a great ebook that I have found, it is called The Magic Of Making Up, and you can find links to it at the bottom of the article.

I am going to assume that you are in the position of wanting your ex back and you need to find out how or what to do to get them back. Before you do anything else you should take care of you. That is, make sure that you are eating right, sleeping enough, attending to your personal cleanliness as you should, and this includes hair, shaving, and make up, whatever. And do not forget that your home should be tidy as well.

Next you are ready to contrive the perfect make up that is special order for you and your situation. Begin by thinking about your ex. You want to make things special for that person. You may think the perfect way to make up is by sending flowers but if your ex does not appreciate flowers then the effort will be wasted.

Consider things that matter to him or her. Perhaps there is a particular flower that he or she likes. Or maybe he or she adores a particular play, ball team, singer, etc.; in that case maybe you could purchase tickets and plan the most special day, evening around that event, stressing that there are no strings attached. You will need to figure out the person if you are to find your way into his or her heart again.

This will be easy. You probably already know your ex well enough to come up with lots of things that would be special to him or her. Some people are materialistic and some people are not but almost everyone likes to know that another person really cares enough about them to get to know the real person inside. Show them you know that person.

Your goal is to find a way back to that person, if you can score a date of any type you will have some time to be charming and work on asking if you can call in a few days. Do not be pushy. Take things slowly and stress that you know the importance of building a strong friendship to be used as a rock solid foundation for any relationship.

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