
Music And Your Relationships

Music plays an important role in many of our lives, but does it have an impact on our relationships? Some of us include music daily, whether it is done by listening to our favorite songs and artists on the radio or by creating our own music, or anything in between. It’s no wonder then that we associate the music we are enjoying to what is going on in our life.

Many couples have a song that they call ‘their song’. This may be the song that was playing when they met or perhaps it was on during a special event. The point is that the song itself has significant meaning to the couple. During the happy times of the relationship the song will usually bring about warm feelings and even a renewed sense of love and gratification. But what happens when the relationship is withering away or is gone and the song is heard?

Well, for starters, many people will become sad because the song does invoke memories of a happier or better time in their life. Others may feel anger because the song reminds them of what they are missing and they feel cheated. I think the reaction depends on how special the relationship was and how it ended and on the individual’s personality.

Of course that subject is not quite as complicated as this one; is there music that affects your emotional state no matter what the situation? Perhaps there is a particular song that puts you in a happy or good mood. This could be a song that you associate with your childhood, a special person, or a special time in your life. It could simply be a song that you enjoy so much that you forget everything else for those precious moments and escape from the world around you.

What about songs that have a negative impact on your emotions? They may also remind you of past times or a special person. What do you do with the emotions initiated by these songs?

Remember that your emotional state can have a direct impact on how you communicate and interact with others. This includes your partner. My final questions are, if we know a particular song will cause us to feel sad or angry should we avoid it? And if a song makes us feel good should we listen to it daily to insure that we will have a better day?

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make the difference. If we surround ourselves with the things we love and enjoy we are bound to be happier. This can include what some may call the small and unimportant things such as fragrances, décor, lighting, inspirational art and accessories, and finally music. When we’re happier we are a better partner and friend. That makes working at these small things important.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe music plays a big role in a relationship.. and I agree that most couples do call a certain song "their song", or what they call their "theme song". You'll find it funny when you're not in a relationship and you'll hear a couple or your friend or family member say "hey, it's our song!".. but you'll begin to understand it when you enters into a relationship

Debbie C. Allen said...

Yes - that was one of the points I was trying to make. When you think about it music plays an important role in most of our lives on a daily basis - even if we personally are not 'into' music - the fact is that music is unavoidable. Even television commercials have little jingles that capture our attention and our get stuck in our minds.